Asylum Decisions
Decisions taken on asylum claims by year and countries of asylum and origin. Asylum claims are applications for international protection and decisions on asylum claimscan be positive, negative or otherwise closed.
A tibble.
- year
The year (e.g. 2020).
- coo_name
Country of origin name.
- coo
Country of origin UNHCR code.
- coo_iso
Country of origin ISO code.
- coa_name
Country of asylum name.
- coa
Country of asylum UNHCR code.
- coa_iso
Country of asylum ISO code.
- procedure_type
The procedure type describes the authority with whom the asylum claim was lodged. It can be one of:
– Government,J
- Joint,U
– UNHCR.- dec_level
The decision level provides more detail of the stage of the procedure. Common values are
(New applications),RA
(repeat/reopened applications) andAR
(administrative review).- dec_pc
The data type describes whether the data provided reflects cases or persons. The most common situation is for the data on asylum applications lodged to reflect persons, but in certain situations (e.g USA), the data provided by governments is at the level of cases. A case can contain information on one or more persons.
- dec_recognized
The number of asylum applicants recognised as refugees under UNHCR’s mandate.
- dec_other
The number of asylum applicants recognised as refugees under other forms of complementary protection.
- dec_rejected
The number of asylum applicants whose asylum claims have been rejected.
- dec_closed
The number of asylum applicants whose asylum claims have been otherwise closed.
- dec_total
The total number of asylum applicants for which a decision on their asylum claim has been made in the given reference period.
See the notes on the data structure in the methodology pages for more details.
#> # A tibble: 95,806 × 15
#> year coo_name coo coo_iso coa_name coa coa_iso procedure_type dec_level
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2000 Afghanis… AFG AFG Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 2 2000 Albania ALB ALB Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 3 2000 Algeria ALG DZA Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 4 2000 Egypt ARE EGY Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 5 2000 Armenia ARM ARM Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 6 2000 Banglade… BGD BGD Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 7 2000 Brazil BRA BRA Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 8 2000 Bosnia a… BSN BIH Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 9 2000 Bulgaria BUL BGR Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> 10 2000 Cambodia CAM KHM Austral… AUL AUS G AR
#> # ℹ 95,796 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: dec_pc <chr>, dec_recognized <dbl>, dec_other <dbl>,
#> # dec_rejected <dbl>, dec_closed <dbl>, dec_total <dbl>