Demographic and sub-national data, where such disaggregation is available. UNHCR collects this information for all population types, as well as two durable solutions (returned IDPs and refugees). Demographics are also available for IDMC and UNRWA datasets.
A tibble.
- year
The year (e.g. 2020).
- coo_name
Country of origin name.
- coo
Country of origin UNHCR code.
- coo_iso
Country of origin ISO code.
- coa_name
Country of asylum name.
- coa
Country of asylum UNHCR code.
- coa_iso
Country of asylum ISO code.
- f_0_4
The number of female children aged 0 to 4 inclusive.
- f_5_11
The number of female children aged 5 to 11 inclusive.
- f_12_17
The number of female children aged 12 to 17 inclusive.
- f_18_59
The number of female adults aged 18 to 59 inclusive.
- f_60
The number of female adults aged 60 or more.
- f_other
The number of females for whom age disaggregation is unavailable.
- f_total
The total number of females (where disaggregation by sex is available).
- m_0_4
The number of male children aged 0 to 4 inclusive.
- m_5_11
The number of male children aged 5 to 11 inclusive.
- m_12_17
The number of male children aged 12 to 17 inclusive.
- m_18_59
The number of male adults aged 18 to 59 inclusive.
- m_60
The number of male adults aged 60 or more.
- m_other
The number of males for whom age disaggregation is unavailable.
- m_total
The total number of males (where disaggregation by sex is available).
- total
The total number of persons.
See the notes on the data structure in the methodology pages for more details.
#> # A tibble: 91,741 × 22
#> year coo_name coo coo_iso coa_name coa coa_iso f_0_4 f_5_11 f_12_17
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2001 Afghanistan AFG AFG Afghani… AFG AFG 0 0 0
#> 2 2001 Iran (Islami… IRN IRN Afghani… AFG AFG 0 0 0
#> 3 2001 Iraq IRQ IRQ Afghani… AFG AFG 0 5 0
#> 4 2001 Iraq IRQ IRQ Albania ALB ALB 0 0 0
#> 5 2001 North Macedo… MCD MKD Albania ALB ALB 0 0 0
#> 6 2001 Serbia and K… SRB SRB Albania ALB ALB 14 20 18
#> 7 2001 Türkiye TUR TUR Albania ALB ALB 0 0 0
#> 8 2001 Chad CHD TCD Algeria ALG DZA 0 0 0
#> 9 2001 Cameroon CMR CMR Algeria ALG DZA 0 0 0
#> 10 2001 Congo COB COG Algeria ALG DZA 0 0 0
#> # ℹ 91,731 more rows
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: f_18_59 <dbl>, f_60 <dbl>, f_other <dbl>, f_total <dbl>,
#> # m_0_4 <dbl>, m_5_11 <dbl>, m_12_17 <dbl>, m_18_59 <dbl>, m_60 <dbl>,
#> # m_other <dbl>, m_total <dbl>, total <dbl>